You should allocate or provide a storage location that has enough space and is fast enough to be used for the processing and output of the generated restore files. If you have a virtual environment, you can create a Windows Guest VM, and install a supported version of Outlook along with Ontrack for restore purposes. Any link to or advocacy of virus, spyware, malware, or phishing sites. Unsolicited bulk mail or bulk advertising. You must uninstall the 64-bit release and install Outlook 32-bit before installing Ontrack Power Controls. Any behavior that appears to violate End user license agreements, including providing product keys or links to pirated software. The 64-bit version is of Outlook is not supported under any release. Supported Outlook Versions for release 7.x are: (note, 7.x is no longer supported by Kroll)

Supported Outlook versions for release 9.x are: Click Start > Settings > Apps > Default programs Scroll to the bottom Click on Choose default apps by protocol Look for. Call the FGetComponentPath function to get the path and DLL name that implements the MAPI subsystem. In this function, do the following: Load mapi32.dll from the appropriate system directory.

Outlook 2016 is not supported under Kroll 7.x releases and may present this error if attempted. Create a function that initializes MAPI functions to link to the MAPI DLL of the default MAPI client (for example, Msmapi32.dll of Microsoft Outlook). Kroll Ontrack PowerControls 9.x requires a compatible version of Outlook installed along with the latest service pack for that version. There seems to be a hotfix for this.When you perform a restore with Kroll OnTrack PowerControls for Exchange using Outlook 2016 with some releases of Kroll, you get an error referencing the MAPI subsystem not being available. I login in the mail server and ran this command in the path: C:Program FilesDataProtectorbin> mbxbar.exe -chkconfig i have this error: Critical From: 'Single Mailbox' Time: 8/9/201 0 10:17:30 AM Cannot initialize global data for MAPI DLL. I would like to keep the code as simple as possible. Cannot initialize global data for MAPI DLL. I think this has to do with my not using the Add-In Express Add-In.

However, in Line 2 (the call to Initialize) I get the error:Įxception Type: Įxception Message: MAPI subsystem didn't initialize correctly I have downloaded version 23 build 222 from your website.įrom your documentation I think this code should work (Item is an Outlook.MailItem):ĭim P As New ĭim B As Byte() = P.GetProperty(Item.Attachments(Attachment), CType(&H37010102, UInteger))ĭim F As New BinaryWriter(File.Create(AttachmentFileName)) If you need immediate assistance please contact technical support.We apologize for the inconvenience. I would like to access the MAPI Property PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN in Outlook 2007 Attachments with the MAPI Store Accessor. Submitting forms on the support site are temporary unavailable for schedule maintenance.