Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
UTAH - U ‧ tah /ˈjuːtɑː $ -tɔː/ BrE AmE written abbreviation, UT a state in the west of the US, …. Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary JUNIPER - / ˈdʒuːnɪpə(r) NAmE / noun a bush with purple berries that are used in medicine …. JUNIPER - juniper BrE AmE ˈdʒuːn ɪp ə -əp- AmE \ - ə r ▷ juniper|s z. constituent state of the United States of America, located in the western mountain region in the … JUNIPER - any of about 60 to 70 species of aromatic evergreen trees or shrubs constituting the genus Juniperus of the cypress …. JUNIPER - n (14c) 1: any of numerous shrubs or trees (genus Juniperus) of the cypress …. JUNIPER - ■ noun an evergreen shrub or small tree bearing berry-like cones, many kinds having aromatic cones or …. JUNIPER - noun any evergreen shrub or tree, of the genus juniperus and order coniferae. JUNIPER - noun Etymology: Middle English junipere, from Latin juniperus Date: 14th century 1. Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary cone bearing evergreen shrub or tree whose berries yield an oil which is used in medicine as a stimulant … any evergreen, coniferous shrub or tree of the genus Juniperus, esp. Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary
UTAH - Utahan, Utahn /yooh"tawn, tahn/, adj.Webster's Revised Unabridged English Dictionary ) Any evergreen shrub or tree, of the genus Juniperus and order Coniferae. JUNIPER - (n.) Any evergreen shrub or tree, of the genus Juniperus and order Coniferae.JUNIPER - ˈjünəpə(r) noun ( -s ) Etymology: Middle English junipere, junipur, from Latin juniperus - more at jonquil 1.Webster's New International English Dictionary ˈyüˌtȯ, -tä noun ( plural utah or utahs ) Usage: usually capitalized : ute I II. JUNIPER - Any of about 60–70 species of aromatic evergreen trees or shrubs that make up the genus Juniperus of the cypress ….It covers 84,904 sq mi (219,901 sq km) its capital is Salt Lake City. any of numerous shrubs or trees (genus Juniperus … JUNIPER - noun Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Latin ~us Date: 14th century 1.UTAH - geographical name state W United States capital Salt Lake City area 84,899 square miles (219,888 square kilometers ), population 2,233,169 ….
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Webster's New International English Dictionary.